I am currently being mentored by my pastor's wife, and my assignment this week was to write a psalm of praise to God based on scriptures we have been discussing. I thought I would share it here.
My Psalm
Bless the Lord, O my soul.
Let the meditation of my
heart and words of my mouth be filled with your life-giving, abundant
I praise you O mighty God,
because of your many wonderful works.
Your name alone is a
fortress; a bulwark of salvation to those who hope in you.
You alone are worthy of the
praise of my mouth; your holiness is ever before me.
I have said to my heart,
let us seek the Lord while He may be found. Let us ascend His holy
hill and climb to His holy mountain. Let us come to His holy
habitation, and commune with him.
But how can I, O God? Like
Isaiah, I am a woman of unclean lips. My sin is a constant, hateful
companion. How may I enter your gates, and ascend your holy hill?
For you are pure and true; No sin can dwell in your presence.
I come to you, Father, in
my spiritual poverty. I come to you, and in boldness born of the
experience of knowing your great love for me, I beseech you for eye
salve, that I may see clearly, and for cleansing and forgiveness from
all my sin. Only you can make me whole. Only by your grace and your
mercy may I come into your presence. Of myself, I am unworthy; And
yet you welcome me with open arms, a prodigal returned.
I will tell of your works
to all the people; I will sing of your compassions which never fail!
I will declare your Word to all who will listen! Your praises shall
continually be in my mouth!
Praise the Lord for His
faithfulness! Surely he has born us as a mother nursing her child!
Though we each have turned astray, He has been steadfast, constant,
and secure.
Where else can we turn that
will satisfy the longings of our soul? You alone have the pathways
of life. You alone are worthy of our affections and attention.
Let us tear down the
Asherah poles; let us put away with idols. Come, O people of God.
Renew your zeal; let every place of pride be brought low in our
hearts. In our humiliation, let us be truly humbled to seek the
face of God. Let every place of weakness be used to exalt you, O
A mighty fortress is our
God; your enemies flee at the puff of your nostrils.
With your gaze alone you
level mountains. Though I be surrounded by ten thousand of my
fiercest enemies, I will fear not. For you are with me, and I place
my trust in you.
I will place no trust in my
flesh; it is weak, fading, and frail.
I will place no trust in my
mind: it will bend truth to make lies.
I will not look to my
storehouses or the number of my “chariots”, for all these things
belong to you truly, Lord. You make men great, and you bring them
low for your divine purposes and plans.
You and your word alone are
what sustain me. Your Spirit is what flows inside me, bringing life
and teaching me the ways of truth.
How great is the King! Let
all the nations tremble before him! Let every knee bow and every
tongue confess the wisdom, power, and love that is the God we serve!
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